Come one, come all, for you are hereby invited to this year's grand Ball of Esaias Tegnér! Members and friends, old and new, of Wermlands Nation, are all welcome to this year's grandest party! Join us during a weekend of grand and silly fun, beginning with the Vargasque on friday, the Tegnér Balldinner itself on saturday, ending with the nävgröten frunch on sunday. We in the the Kuratel and our Head Marshall Johanna Lundqvist are very excited to see the return of our beloved Ball, and hope to see many of you there! Kom in i Wermen - Dante Björnberg, Kurator Link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdf0S1tXLP6vN0LW-cIWnYhysufan8SXTONqJIgEe8Y6DsBLw/viewform